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Import photo to movie maker scews

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He's a close friend to Mel Brooks, which explains why all of his movies are like the movies Mel Brooks used to make. Guess you could say that he's being somewhat of an Italian version of Mel Brooks, with the exception that he hasn't made any great classic comedies and just isn't that great and likable as a comedy actor. The movie is directed by Ezio Greggio, who also plays the main lead. Guess if you would read the script you could say that this is a typical Mel Brooks movie, like the ones he used to direct early on in his career but this movie shows that not just everybody is capable of handling this material and turn it into a funny, lame, simplistic comedy, that Mel Brooks always was a master at. He was of course given the same material as every other actor in this movie to work with but yet he is the only one that managed to make it funny. It amazed me that Mel Brooks at that age could still be that funny and was capable of carrying and lifting a comedy to greater heights. But let me tell you that from the moment Mel Brooks shows up the movie suddenly turns into a far better one. Still I'm glad that I did not quit watching after 10 minutes, though the majority of people will still most likely do. The jokes, the pacing, the story, the acting, the directing, the editing, the camera-work, the music, it's all absolutely horrendous. Saving grace of the movie was Mel Brooks, that still kept the movie somewhat watchable and provided the movie with basically its only fun moments. This is one lame comedy, that above all things is also extremely poorly made.

Import photo to movie maker scews